Monday, May 28, 2007

FlickrView 0.4

I finally took some time to progress in LSL scripting :
- rewrote the notecard reading to be reusable in future scripts (and allow easier configuration for end-user),
- control panel with dialog menu (a simple way to reset and restart slide show currently),
- two-pass photo show (medium size first for fast download then original size for best resolution in larger frames),
- automatic scaling (only adapting on original size currently),
- automatic resizing (follow the size of the frame in-world, playing with linked messages between scripts).

I could quickly be able to share to some beta testers soon before playing with a more with dialog menu and authentication (would love to check new pictures from contacts in world).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SL sky becomes clearer

Finally, after months of massive slowdown due to the sudden amount of new residents things are slowly recovering to a normal state (like TP finally working regularly, crossing fingers that Group IM will be fixed today).

Linden Labs eventually improves its graphical engine by acquiring (and not only licensing the technology) Windward Mark, a company which excels in graphical simulation of atmospheric rendering (sky, weather, lighting, shadows, ...).

Extracted from Windward Mark website the pictures show off the possible improvement.

First LL seems to integrate the sky in SL client but I really hope for more and see the whole engine inworld (or will it be only available to pro/premium users ?). I'm eager to see it as soon as possible and rediscover some sims.

Sky becomes clearer in SL world.

Another WebService inworld : Google Calendar

Thanks to Second Style I just discovered another way to link both rl and sl with the use of google calendar and a hud inworld. Finally a new tool to play withing sl, maybe we could eventually have access to the firefox burried in the SL client like the help system and merge both web and SL.

Slowly both worlds are intertwining and we will maybe come closer to the matrix (from Neuromancer from William Gibson, not the movie, This Is a Must Read). Our life will maybe not only be from RL, but slowly becomes a patchwork of many "little" lives around virtual worlds..

/me checking a date in his SL calendar to remind to post new philosophical thoughts later.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

FlickrView 0.1

After a bit of work (copy-paste, error trial while coding,tweaking code), I have a proof that accessing Flickr API from SL is possible without help from server code hosted elsewhere.

Currently it only slideshows the first five pictures from the account of an avatar touching the frame (if its SL name matches Flickr username).

Soon I'll include slideshow through the whole Flickr account and some exceptions in a notecard so that friends not having a matching flickr username could click and see !

Googled as soon as Blogged

When first starting my blog I subscribed to Google webtools in order to track when it will get indexed and in fact it happened a lot sooner than I thought ! First blog on 8th of May, and already googled since 10th of May.

Thanks to all viewers you certainly helped my little blog to appear in the sea of the web !

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

SL & Flickr meets inworld

Thanks to Vint Falken, I finally found a way to merge my desire to script in Second Life and merge SL with RL more, blurring the line with a neat way to connect both : showing flickr pictures inside world. According to this source it is feasible despite the author using some sort of "easy and obvious" server code he doesn't share with us. FreeView seems an even more interesting source for an intuitive way to import external media in world.

I just hope to have enough time to merge both in order to have an automatic slide-show from a flickr RSS feed.
Holidays are soon !